If you have recently joined LinkedIn as an organization or professional, you may be wondering how much is LinkedIn premium. The amount that is LinkedIn premium that you will pay is dependent upon your profile, the type of account you have, and how many other people are on your account. Most members have access to hundreds of business and personal profile pages for their organization, their contacts, their clients, and so forth. Therefore, if you are an organization with ten employees, you would need ten profiles to build your profile page. If you have one employee, then you would only need one profile page.

LinkedIn offers three different membership levels, for free, premium, and LinkedIn plus. For the free membership, you are able to create a basic profile page and look around for people who may be interested in connecting with you. You can search through their contact and profile pages to see if there are any connections. LinkedIn Premium membership gives you access to the full list of keywords, which is a more detailed version of the basic search results. If you are a premium member, then you can create as many profiles as you want.

How Much Is LinkedIn Premium?
How Much Is LinkedIn Premium?

The two biggest components in LinkedIn are the premium tools and the premium search capabilities. The in mail and the desktop Inbox provide you with a means to stay connected with others. When you create a new message, it is sent to your entire inbox. Whenever you send messages, they are saved to your desktop so that you have access to them from any computer where you have LinkedIn Premium installed. The premium search capabilities in LinkedIn allow you to search for keywords related to your industry or field.

You can also check the "last time you were connected" box if you are not linked with anyone that is current. You will lose access to all messages sent to or received by people who are not connected with you. This includes all groups and events that you have been invited to. Any time you create a new profile or update your existing profile, you will have the opportunity to let others know how much you value their advice and participation on LinkedIn.

You can also request to be removed from the premium subscription based on several grounds. These include extreme cases such as harassment, serious legal issues or, in some countries, fraud. You can request to be removed if you feel your privacy has been compromised in any way. In certain cases, you may be asked to cancel your LinkedIn account due to violating the terms of service. You can lose access to the full list of keywords if you attempt to cancel your subscription without giving a valid reason.

There is one other reason that you may be asked to cancel your LinkedIn Premium subscription: if you are attempting to access an older version of the site. Most people are automatically upgraded each year, but if you do not want to upgrade, you can search for "oldest information" or "older posts" so that you can see the latest information available. After you have reached the older version, you can always click on the "cancel" link which is located at the bottom of the screen. Otherwise, you can follow the instructions on the link for contacting LinkedIn technical support to request the removal of your name from all LinkedIn pages and profiles.

There is one other area in which you may be able to use the help of LinkedIn Premium tools and applications. If you have any skills or certifications that are not yet reflected on your profile, you can still take advantage of the Insights for Professionals feature of LinkedIn Premium to learn more about your specific field. This feature pulls quotes from experts in your industry, including your current employer and competitors. The Insights for Professionals tool provides detailed information about the industry you belong to, how well-known your peers are, and other important statistics. You can learn how much others are making in the area by browsing the quotes.

All these functions and more are available in the "Insights for Professionals" package of LinkedIn Premium. To learn more about the Insights for Professionals feature and how much is LinkedIn premium when it comes to emailing, submitting, and scheduling job alerts, click on the links below. In addition, you can request a free trial of the LinkedIn Job Center, an online portal where you can look up job candidates, place orders, and manage resumes. Click on the links below to request a free LinkedIn Premium trial and receive advanced job tips and information on the best ways to market yourself and gain the edge over other job seekers.